PROJECT TEAM until 2014

In Austria: HR. Dr. Barbara Farkas-Erlacher (Winner of the first austrian Psychology Award), Mag. Helmut Haselbacher (Danube University in Krems, Leader of Psychodramatherapy). Both of them are part of the Austrian Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Dynamics (, Mag. Dr. Michael Wieser (Alps Adria University Klagenfurt, ÖAGG and council/board member of the Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organisation ( All the mentioned organisations support our project.

In addition: Mag. Barbara Pfaffenwimmer (psychotherapist, theatre pedagogue, BuT), Mag. Friederike Scherr (Documentalist), Mag. Anna Briburg (Jakob Levy Moreno and his time in Vienna), Mag. Michaela Frank (Psychology, Artist), Mag. H. Wildhaber MA (Psychology), Mag. Rudi Krammer (Webdesign).

brickInternational: Dr. Grete Leutz (Germany), Jakob Müller (Switzerland), Elisabeth Adelsberger (Austria, Movie: On the traces of J.L Moreno in Vienna), Dr. J. Burmeister (Switzerland/ Spain: president elect IAG)P, Hans-Peter Korn (solution stage, Schweiz), Carlos Meira (Brazil) painted "bricks: donation to the Morenomuseum" (click to enlarge image!)

Just as well Psychodramatists, Scientists and contemporary witnesses have agreed to give a lecture in the Museum: René Marineau (Canada), Eva Fahlström (Sweden), Jose Fonseca (Brazil), Gabor Pinter (Hungary), Maurizio Gasseau (Italy), Monica Zuretti (Italy, Argentina), Renée Oudijk (Netherlands), Pierre Fontaine (Belgium), Manuela Maciel (Portugal), Chiara de Marino (Italy, Brazil), Johnatan Fox (USA)

The widow of Moreno - Zerka Moreno (90) - stated, that she would give the austrian/european estate of her husband to the Museum, like Prof. Marineau would do.

We will invite Morenos nephew Prof. Joseph Moreno to give a seminar in September. He will bring part of his fathers estate to our Museum.

O öffne Dich,
Dem der dich schuf.

Köstliche Gaben
Bringe ich dir.

Feurige Kräuter,
Traumdunkles Grün,
Mondweiße Stämme
im Wald.

Auf Deinem Hügel
Steinernes Haus,
Reiser und Hecken
Voll Most.

Aus: Testament
des Vaters,
J.L.Moreno, 1922

S. 106/107

J. L. Morenos Wirken in Bad Vöslau
Eröffnung einer Erinnerungsvitrine im Stadtmuseum Bad Vöslau
Samstag, 11. Mai 2013, 15.00
Stadtmuseum Bad Vöslau. Bericht ...



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